
Monday, August 8, 2011

Neighborhood Redevelopment Code Meetings.

From July 11th through August 4th, the City of Youngstown completed eleven public input meetings to discuss code issues and future land use in the city.  Clarion Associates of Denver, Colorado was hired to create a modern, efficient and innovative code for the city. The meetings were intended to get valuable public input for the consultants to incorporate in the new zoning code.  

 Zoning is a tool to safeguard public health, by requiring developments to adhere to certain standards, shape the form, location and intensity by which development takes place, restrict incompatible or undesirable uses, and a tool to implement a comprehensive land use plan.

One resident, after participating in a meeting, comment  “ Just want to tell you how impressed I was at the organization and process of the North side meeting tonight at Wick Park......having pre-selected and prepared facilitators at each table made all the difference in the world.  I haven't been so energized and optimistic at a meeting for a long time.  Kudos to all the planners”

The meetings were overall well received, resulting in an attendance of nearly 300 people total at the discussions.   

For more information on the redevelopment code, visit the website.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a crying shame that, out of the entire population of Youngstown, only 300 total attended these meetings.

    Do people in this city really care so little??
